Tuesday 11 May 2010

Hi Everyone :) - My Introduction.

Hi Everyone and Welcome to Beauty Marked! This is the first time I've ever set up a blog like this, although I have been blogging over at Live Journal from the age of 13, and I'm very excited after stumbling across the world of some amazing and inspirational beauty bloggers over the past few months!
So..a bit about me, well I'm 22, and I live with my boyfriend in Middlesbrough in the North East of England. I'm currently at the end of my second year of a Media Studies degree, with not much of an idea what I want to do when I finish, but I guess thats not too uncommon!
Thing I like, I love Disney, In particular anything to do with Winnie The Pooh, I'm still a child at heart :) Cups of Tea and Coffee, Magazines - I spend far too much money on them! Also of course like any true beauty blogger, I also have a small obsession with make up, costume jewelery and clothes!
I can't wait to start showing you some of my recent purchases and my thoughts of them, and getting to know some amazing new people who share the same passion, so with that I'll be off and I hope you'll enjoy what you'll find here once I get in to the addictive world of blogging :)